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Erich Fromm reading group ‘The Art of Loving’

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The subject of love is rarely discussed in any serious way, and philosophers of love are few and far between. Erich Fromm thoughtfully engages with this topic, and presents his ideas in pleasantly readable language. His best-seller The Art of Loving may sound like a cheesy self-help book, but it is an honest attempt to answer fundamental questions about a topic that affects us all:

What is love? Is love an art? Or is it simply a pleasant sensation? In The Art of Loving, Fromm argues that love is an art that can be practiced and cultivated, and not something you just happen to ‘fall into’ if you are lucky.

This reading group, run by Alan Bordeville, will meet to explore these ideas in Fromm’s book, and their implications for today.

Book your place at Stillpoint Spaces London. Sold Out

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